Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sharing, Darwin style.

Darwin can, on occasion, share.

Proof below, in photos from this August when we traveled back to my hometown for a visit and a wedding.

The Brittany Spaniel is Darwin's Uncle Max, owned by my in-laws.

"Hey, Uncle Max!"


"I have a frisbee."

"See what I can do with it?"

"I'll share it with you if you want me to."

"Go ahead. Take it."

"Or I can just give it to you."

"Oh, you don't want it?"

"Then I guess I'll take it off your paws. And take it somewhere else!"

-Mel, Corgi-keeper

**Photos by Diane Hargreaves


  1. Man, he really does love that Frisbee...

    He's just the cutest thing!

  2. Thanks! And yes, yes, he does. If the world was ending and he had a choice between me and a frisbee to save, I think he'd wind up going for the frisbee. But I come in at a close second!

  3. I love Darwin photo stories! He really was trying to share!
