Monday, October 26, 2009

Drama, drama, drama

*We've been working on the 'play dead' command lately, which I am teaching Darwin to understand as making a gun shape with my hand and saying "Bang!" as the command. He is doing rather well with it. (Of course, it is an alteration on the roll-over command and he is quite good at that as well as enthusiastic! - Corgis were built for these types of commands).

And the drama unfolds....

Darwin: (Protecting the family from some unseen, imminent, and ultimately benign danger) "Roof!"

Mom: "I'll teach you to bark at random noises!" (Gives 'Bang' command...)

Dancing the Hula... Er...Playing dead!

"Oh, Mom, you got me! See my surprise and shock?"

"Now I'm really dead, Mom. Can I have a treat now?"

-Mel, Corgi-keeper


  1. He he he... the treat is what is all about. Pepsi and Sierra LOVE peanut butter!! That is the only thing that will get Pepsi to swallow pills. They will do tricks never attempted before for the peanut butter on a spoon.
