Thursday, October 8, 2009

Born to run...

Darwin has recently earned himself the nicknames of 'Thunder foot' and 'Lightning dog.' The former because he manages to make a loud thundering noise as he races across the grass after his favorite, his hallowed, his beloved frisbee, and the latter because he is just so darn fast!

Seriously, it's like we feed this puppy jet fuel or something!

-Mel, Corgi-keeper

**Photo by Diane Hargreaves


  1. My first Cardi had the same frisbee obsession, and he too thundered past on his way to the frisbee. He truly lived for the game!

    One word of caution (you may already know this), frisbee is very hard on any dog's body, but especially our long backed friends. Don't over do it. Flying leaps to catch the frisbee in mid-air really pounds the bones when they land. Everything in moderation, as they say.

  2. Thankfully Darwin is not so much for the flying leaps (for which I am very grateful), but rather is all about the chase. He is pretty good at catching it, too, but without the jumping. Overall, I try to be careful with impact exercises with Darwin as he is still growing (which is why we won't be starting agility until next summer).
