Sunday, September 20, 2009

Darwin v. Phone

(Or how curiosity can get a puppy in trouble... though not is this case.)

So, Darwin is in full-fledged teenagerdom now. As the trainer explained last week, the dogs his age are at a point where they start to realize things are 'there' and thus, must explore them. Usually with their teeth.

So, it's like teething, but because of curiosity rather than a biological drive to chew.

And Darwin has made full-use of these newfound powers of discovery, picking up and chewing on items I never would have thought he should be interested in (like a bottle of leoapard gecko food) and simply must analyze everything new that is brought into the apartment (like the new magazines my husband brought home today).

My mother-in-law was on speaker phone today, and that was a new experience for Darwin. Below is a photo of him being utterly confused by the noises issuing from the small blue box resting against the cat tree.

So, even though he's a bit of a brat right now, he is occasionally completey adorable with his confuzzled face.

-Mel, Corgi-keeper

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