Monday, August 31, 2009

"Please, Mom, may I have s'more?"

One of the things that has amazed me about Darwin is his ability to figure things out on his own. I did not teach him to bring me the frisbee back when we play, he came to understand very quickly that if he wanted it to be thrown again, he'd have to bring it back.

The other behavior he has demonstrated that both amuses and impresses me is the fact that when his water dish is empty, he will pick it up and bring it to wherever I am currently sitting. He first offered this behavior at 4 months and has been doing it periodically since then.

On a recent Darwin photoshoot with my mother-in-law, we managed to capture this behavior on camera.

So, without further ado, I give you, "The Water Bowl Saga: A Story In Pictures."

"Hm, there doesn't seem to be anything in here."

"However, seeing as Mom has the magical ability to fill this dish, I will bring it to her."

"Watch as I daintily set this down, making my intentions clear."

"See Mom, it's empty. Hear the hollow metal clangy noise it makes when I drop it."

"But I do wish for it not to be empty. I cannot drink the air."

"I will stare at it with my Epic Corgi Stare until you fill it."

"Here's lookin' at you, Mom."

-Mel, Corgi-keeper

**Photos by Diane Hargreaves

(A random note: We are starting intermediate obedience Friday night and I could not be more excited!)

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